From August to October 2018, Ms. Yan attended a 3 month intensive Royal Academy of Dance program – Professional Dancers’ Teaching Diploma. Only those who have experience from professional dance companies are eligible to apply. Her cohort included professional dancers from Shanghai Ballet Co., National Ballet Co. of China (Beijing), Birmingham Royal Ballet Co. and more. Other students included an examiner from the Beijing Academy of Dance and principals from multiple ballet schools in China.
Ms. Yan graduated in November 2018 and was awarded the Professional Dancers’ Teaching Diploma with Distinction. She was one of the few participants to achieve Distinction on all 3 RAD exams.
According to RAD, “Sometimes it’s difficult to distinguish between a world-class teacher and a fairly good one. Here at the RAD we have created our own RAD Registered Teacher logo to make your search a little easier! Each teacher with this logo has been trained to the highest quality.”